Online freelancing is a new way to make money on your own terms and every person working online must know these 8 tips aimed at new freelancers.
The 8 golden tips for new freelancers are:
- How do online freelancers get paid?
- Don't start working without having a portfolio
- Create tutorials
- Improve your communication skills
- Don't provide a service for free
- Your health is important
- Go outside freelancing sites
- Patience
Tip 1: How do we get paid?
Some people think that the internet is not a real platform to make a living off of because it appears unreal due to being virtual. Some people might say that PayPal is not available in their country so they can't get paid. Others will stop working because of overthinking things like this.
Don't overthink how you will get paid because if you get an order, you will receive money, whether you link your bank account to the site (or debit/credit card) or choose to use PayPal or _______ to get paid. All you need to do is work hard and provide your skills and you'll start earning one way or another.
PayPal allows you to get paid online, but if it isn't available in your country, you can sign up to _______, which is available almost worldwide.
With _______you can even create a virtual bank account and connect to any service to collect your money.
Tip 2: Don’t start working and providing services without having a portfolio!
For those who don’t know, a portfolio is simply a small website where you publish your work so people can see what you can do before ordering from you.
This will have a positive impact on your account, especially if you're a beginner and don't have any reviews yet. Your portfolio will serve as something that proves to people that you can do the job.
You can check out my _______ on _______ in which I explain in detail how to create a portfolio website.
Tip 3: Create tutorials :
If you can publish _______videos, you will get a lot of clients just by sharing tutorials and your work on social platforms.
If you can’t create videos, you can always write articles or share tutorials on your blog.
As long as you share content that showcases your work, it will help you promote your freelancing services.
You can also create courses that can be free or paid on websites like Udemy, it will help you promote your work and tell people about your skills and what you can do.
Tip 4: VERY IMPORTANT, Improve your communication skills!
What I mean is to simply improve your English communication skills since when you provide services online, you will be talking to people worldwide, and the most spoken language today is English. At least know how to communicate well enough to be able to understand and explain the job to others.
No need to be a professional English speaker to know how to express yourself. As long as you know how to communicate and make yourself understood by the listener.
Tip 5: Try not to provide your services for free!
Your time, your work and your knowledge is valuable ! Even if it takes you 5 or 10 minutes to do a job, it is all thanks to those years you spent learning, testing and experiencing things that today you can now do in a relatively short amount of time.
Free services aren’t always seen as valuable compared to paid services.
What we can do maybe is provide an Ad on for free or a discount for free to some of your clients to maybe build a relationship.
You can provide content for free, which is a good time to bring up tip 3 for new freelancers again: creating tutorials or articles, that way you can promote your paid services.
Tip 6: Your health is important!
Choose the perfect shirt, select the perfect setup for your health, so your body will be comfortable because your health is much more important than money.
Have a routine like standing up or walking every 30 minutes, do some exercises to keep your body healthy.
Tip 7: Go outside freelancing sites
Promoting outside freelancing websites is very important.
Don't simply publish your gigs or profile on_______ or whatever and just sit down and wait for a client.
You can make money this way, and maybe this method alone, but with the huge competition today in 2021, promoting and brand awareness lets people know about you outside freelancing services and websites. Getting traffic is the primary concern of people working online.
Tip 8 Patience!
In general, whenever you start a job or work online, you need to have some patience because it is one of the most important keys to success in your business.
You have to post your jobs, your skills, your portfolio, your website, and create content for maybe 2 or 3 months to see initial results, and from there you can move on to 6 months or even 1 year of work before seeing results in the long term.
We hope you found _______ tips for new freelancers useful. Be sure to check out more free content on our _____and reply with your thoughts and questions in the comment section below.
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